For years you’ve been asking us to recommend a Bible and here it is! Rabbi Daniel Lapin recommends this Bible and uses it himself in both daily study and in teaching because:
- The Hebrew text retains exactly the same two types of paragraph breaks found in an authentic Torah scroll.
- The English translation is as good as can be found.
- The accurate Hebrew names are given in precise transliteration e.g. Moshe not Moses, Yaakov not Jacob, Yona not Jonah.
- The hidden ‘kri/ktiv clues that Rabbi Daniel Lapin explains are presented in the clearest way possible.
- The 54 sedras in Torah each marked.
- The typography is beautiful as befits a family heirloom Bible.
- Includes a special dedication page from Rabbi Daniel and Susan Lapin.
- This standard sized edition (the largest edition) utilizes large type size
- Features color maps, beautiful gilded edges and a thumb index –that makes finding your way quick and easy.