Now is the time for a paradigm shift. Now is the time for us to rethink our ideas about the Holy Spirit. For, Israel will not, cannot, fulfill her great destiny apart from being empowered by the Ruach haKodesh: The Spirit Most Holy.
We must realize our need to hear our Heavenly Father s voice. Difficult times are at our door, and we need to clearly hear Him. Besides, He promises us, Your ears will hear a word behind you, This is the way, walk in it. He will speak, and we will know whether to turn right or left we will know the way in which we should go (Isa 30:21).
The voice of our God is powerful and majestic; it breaks yokes and even shakes the wilderness. It is a voice that comforts the down trodden and encourages little ones.
If you feel you have been in a wilderness if you are seeking the truth of your Hebraic Roots if you are of a Messianic persuasion yet do not want to abandon the things of the Spirit, then this book is for you! It is a must read for the times in which we now live.
Read its pages and be blessed.