Jewish Roots

Artist / Author: Juster Daniel C.

R 420.00
Code: 9780768442038

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By Daniel Juster
Messianic Judaism, as a system of orthopraxy for both Jewish and non-Jewish Christians, can be confusing to both outsiders and novitiates. Daniel Juster, through decades of earnestly searching for the core of his Jewish-ness, offers the fruit of his labor in Jewish Roots. Through a proper view and application of the biblical foundations for the Jewish faith (as well as Christianity) Juster shows us how Messianic Jews find liberation in the structure of the traditional Jewish faith and the recognition of Jesus of Nazareth as the Jewish Messiah.
Product Information
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 336
Vendor: Destiny Image
Publication Date: 1995
Dimensions: 8 X 5.12 X .75 (inches)
ISBN: 1560431423
ISBN-13: 9781560431428
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