Hybrids, Super Soldiers & the Coming Genetic Apocalypse Vol.2

Artist / Author: Billy Crone

R 850.00
"There will be no true humans left." All three nightmarish scenarios are not only happening around the world as we speak, but there is virtually little to no oversight to stop them, which means our planet is being thrust headlong into a horrible apocalyptic ending of Biblical proportions.
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Code: 9781948766487

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What if I were to tell you that virtually every plant and animal species known to mankind is on the verge of going out of existence? Add to that the shocking news that mankind himself is being permanently modified to where the actual scientists performing these experiments upon humanity even admit that if we keep this up, "There will be no true humans left." All three nightmarish scenarios are not only happening around the world as we speak, but there is virtually little to no oversight to stop them, which means our planet is being thrust headlong into a horrible apocalyptic ending of Biblical proportions. Therefore, this book, Hybrids, Super Soldiers & the Coming Genetic Apocalypse Vol.2 seeks to equip you the reader with the hardcore scientific evidence and Biblical warnings from God concerning this modern day annihilation of virtually all life forms on the planet. Here you will see such shocking behaviors as: Human Enhancements, Human Animal Hybrids, Super Soldiers & Transhumanism.
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