The Bible likens the Christian life marathon. The apostle Paul said , "Run in such a way that you may win." Following God- First Steps for the New Christian will help you star out on the right foot and stay there with practical studies designed to get new runners in shape to finish the race.
In the pages of this book you will find answers to the following questions:
* What is your position in Christ - as a Christian? How about your inheritance?
* What is spiritual growth, and what is not spiritual growth?
* How should a Christian deal with sin?
* How important are Bible study, prayer, and meditation to the Christian walk?
* What should Christians do to cultivate the gifts, talents, and opportunities God gives each one of us?
Throughout your study, you will enriched by the many interactive application sections that literally thousands have come to appreciate from the acclaimed Following God series. Most importantly, you will understand that the precepts in this book are the essentials you will never outgrow in your walk with God. They are the principles you will live out until the Lord returns or calls you home.