Enter the Rest

Artist / Author: Harel Israel

R 550.00
Code: 9781622306596

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By Israel Harel
Israel Harel casts a completely new light on the New Testament book of Hebrews that will educate even the most seasoned Christ follower. The author explores the backdrop of Jewish culture and concerns into which the Epistle to the Hebrews was written, unpacking the references to Jewish history to help the modern reader (Jew or Gentile) better understand what Jesus has done for each of us. He explores the questions and difficulties addressed in the epistle, while discussing long-standing trends in Judaism and how Jesus fulfills Biblical Judaism and transcends Rabbinical Judaism. Through these discussions, one theme comes through loud and clear: the Epistle to the Hebrews is a strong call to intimacy with God in the Holy of Holies. It is a call to enter into the Sabbath rest of God, into the place where He is all in all. srael Harel was born to a secular Jewish family who came as pioneers to the Land of Israel in the early 20th century. Israel heard the Gospel for the first time as a hippie in the early seventies. Not wanting anybody to tell him what to do, he ran away from God for six years. After living homeless in the streets and spending two and a half years in a mental hospital, Israel finally gave himself up and surrendered to Jesus, who did a great work of healing in Israel's life. He came back to Israel and helped pioneer many Evangelistic works around the country. He has also reached out to lost people for the Lord in South Africa and the US. After serving in foreign lands for ten years he came back to Israel and led the work of starting a new Hebrew speaking Messianic congregation in the Jezreel valley (Armageddon) in north Israel. Israel has used his teaching and speaking gifts in many parts of the world. He is married to Shlomit and has three sons.
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