Bible Prophecy and You: Predictions, Fulfillments, and What to Watch for Next 

Artist / Author: Len Woods

R 480.00
Want to know the future? The Bible offers a lot of insights into what is yet to come—and this book reviews those predictions and what they mean to you today.
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Code: 9781643520971

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From the creator of The KJV Study Bible, Bible Prophecy and You is a fully illustrated reference for everyday readers, not scholars. The first section, “Prophecies Fulfilled,” describes predictions about Israel, other biblical kingdoms, and Jesus, all of which have been fulfilled and give us confidence in the Bible’s trustworthiness. The second section, “Prophecies Pending,” explains yet-to-be-fulfilled predictions about Israel and the end times, always with a view to what they all mean to you today. You’ll be encouraged to watch attentively and live hopefully as the sure plan of God unfolds.
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