Adventures in God

Artist / Author: Lake John G

R 360.00
Code: 9781257815258

Availability: In stock


By John G Lake
Lake was originally from Ontario, Canada. He was from a large family, which was continually affected with illness. At the age of twenty-one, he became a Methodist minister; however, he chose to enter the business world instead of accepting a church ministry. Lake was a very industrious businessman and started two newspapers before beginning a very successful career in real estate. Early in his career, Lake's wife, whom he deeply loved, fell ill with a life threatening illness. Having a lifetime of suffering and bereavement behind him, he refused to accept this. He took the radical step of taking 'his brother who had been an invalid for 22 years to Chicago see John Alexander Dowie . In a matter of just moments after healing ministers laid their hands on him, he was healed -- he got up and walked out! Next, the Lakes took their 34-year-old sister who was dying from breast cancer. She had been operated on five times and had to be carried on a stretcher. She too was healed!
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